“Alcoholic” is a word that is thrown around often these days. If someone calls you an alcoholic, or hints that you may be one, it is possible that you are simply a partier that enjoys going out often. But at the same time, it is possible they are noticing something you are not, and if you think you may be an alcoholic, you will want to know as soon as possible.

In order to tell if you are an alcoholic, here are a few signs that will help you tell. These are loosely based off the DSM-IV, which is the Psychology guide to defining alcoholism.

  • Do you find that alcohol or alcohol related feelings are affecting your non-alcohol life. For example, if you are often not coming into work due to a hangover (or not doing enough work while you are there) or you are unable to play with your kids, you may show one of the signs of being an alcoholic.
  • When you don’t drink, if you suffer any withdrawal symptoms beyond the simple morning hangover or headache, you may be an alcoholic.
  • If you feel the desire to drink is so strong that you seem to do it even when you have no reason to, that may be your body telling you that you have an alcohol problem.
  • If you spend a great deal of time trying to obtain alcohol rather than doing non-alcohol related activities, this is another sign.
  • If you have tried to cut down, and you found that you couldn’t, even if you think you easily could in the future, this may also be a sign of alcoholism.
  • If you are drinking and you are getting in trouble for drinking (including sickness or sleeping problems), and you continue to do so despite the trouble you have found yourself into, this should also be taken as a sign.
Red Apple

It should be noted that if you think you may be an alcoholic, it is likely you spend few to no days each week without alcohol. Many alcoholics do not think they are alcoholics because they have a couple of days a week that they are not going out, but they still drink a glass of wine or two with dinner – and this wine counts as continuing drinking.

If you think you are an alcoholic, it is important to get help. There are several alcohol related disorders that come with prolonged use, and you should be treated as quickly as possible not just to avoid the long term effects, but also so you can still drink socially and know that you will not lose control.