
  • 1 1/2 measures of Light Rum
  • 1 1/2 measures of Lime Juice
  • 1 tbsp of Orange Liqueur
  • 1/2 tbsp of Sugar
  • Garnish of Banana
  • Garnish of Cherry
  • Splash of Ice


The Banana Daiquiri is a variation on the traditional Daiquiri cocktail recipe, and because of its tropical connotations it’s traditionally associated with the Caribbean. It’s a smooth and refreshing rum-based drink that it favoured by those who like their cocktails smooth, thick and fruity.

To make your very own Banana Daiquiri at home, just follow this simple recipe.

Once you have all of the ingredients assembled, this cocktail is surprisingly easy to make. Just put all of the ingredients, except the cherry, into a blender and blend at a low speed for five seconds, and then at a faster speed until firm and smooth. Pour into a glass and garnish with the cherry.

To make this cocktail the best it can be always use fresh lime juice, and if you can try to use a champagne flute as your cocktail glass. Because of the tropical nature of this cocktail, a lot of people like to decorate their glass accordingly. Try adding things like umbrellas, special straws, or even sparklers for added impact.

The Banana Daiquiri is a variation in itself, but there are several other variations that you can try at home. Some people like to add cream to the recipe for added richness, or if you don’t want to use a whole banana then try banana liqueur instead for an added kick. Or try a different type of rum, such as a coconut-based version, to see what flavour you like best.