Deciding to quit drinking can be difficult, possibly painful. If you have been drinking for years almost daily and you expect to be able to cut out all of the alcohol from your life right away, you’re going to find that it is an incredibly difficult process, and if you are not prepared for all of the withdrawal symptoms, you may find yourself right back on the wagon.

In fact, the first thing you will need to do is educate yourself on many of the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol so that when you experience them they do not come as a shock. Consider that step one before you do any additional detoxification procedures.

Naturally Stopping Alcohol

There are several pills, creams, drinks, etc. that are expected to help you stop drinking. But in general you are going to want to do the following if you expect to be able to detoxify your body:

Gradually Reduce Drinking – Immediately stopping all of your alcohol use is not for everyone. Gradually reducing it using benchmarks (creating a schedule on a calendar. Drinking no more that the amount written on the calendar with zero exceptions) may be the best for you.

The following herbs and nutritional supplements are recommended for alcohol withdrawal:

  • Milk Thistle
  • Kudzu
  • Beta-carotene
  • Magnesium
  • Glutamine
  • Vitamins (especially vitamin B), including: A, B3, B6, C, D, E.
  • Primrose Oil
Red Apple

Find a buddy – A support system is vital for decreasing your alcohol use at home. Someone that will hold you accountable, even if it is just a casual acquaintance, is one of the key ways to help yourself wean your way off of alcohol.

Reduce your junk food – A few studies have concluded that eating sugary or fattening foods or foods with excess dairy or caffeine increase the alcohol intake in animals.

It is hard to detoxify your body when you have been drinking for several years, but with some help, a plan, and the right foods, you should be able to kick the habit.