
  • 2 Bottles of Champagne
  • 1 Gallon of Orange Juice
  • 1/2 Gallon of Orange Sherbet
  • Garnish of Grapes
  • 1 Bottle of Lemonade
  • 1 part of Dry Ice


Though there are a number of different Witches Brew Punch recipes, the idea behind the beverage being to use the colors of Halloween in order to make a delicious punch drink that is not only tasty but fun. Because of this, many variations of the Witches Brew Punch have been created, as any combination of orange and black tend to be considered “acceptable” as long as the punch maintains a good flavor.

Overnight, put water in a latex glove and freeze it. The next day, pour all of the champagne and orange juice into a punch bowl and mix very lightly. Scoop medium sized clumps of sherbet into the bowl and taste to make sure it meets your flavor standards. If not sweet enough, add sugar until it reaches your desired flavor. Throw miniature clumps of dry ice into the drink to create steam but make absolutely sure your guest to not put the ice in their mouths, else they will experience a great deal of pain. Afterwards, throw the black grapes into the mixture, take the ice out of the latex glove and put the frozen ice hand in the punch bowl and serve. If you would like additional alcohol, use vodka rather than adding more Champagne.

Little Toil, Little Trouble

The recipe itself is not hard to make, as the only ingredients that are “necessary” are the champagne, orange juice, and sherbet. Everything else is simply optional, and designed to make your Witches Brew Punch more “scary.”

When placing it on a table, you can throw some plastic eyes and spiders around the bowl. You can also add gummy worms into the punch bowl, though this may change the flavor. The dry ice is the key to the witches brew punch – it makes the entire dish look like a bubbling cauldron – but do not put the dry ice in the drink if you are worried that you have guests that may accidentally ingest it. The punch can be made without them, they are simply what give the beverage its character.